Our Code

 Our CODE is an actionable, measurable statement of who we have been, who we are, and who we will be.
As we continue to live out what God is doing, we must keep focused on who we are in him.


Broken, imperfect, messy...we all belong here together. We come to God - and to this church - as our true selves. Grace is a guarantee at Life Canton with no conditions. We are embracing brokenness together knowing that God meets us where we are. No matter who you are, you belong. This is a place where you can be safe.


The purpose of what we do at Life Canton is to set up a moment with God. The way we light our stage, build our facilities, program our activities, and communicate, is all so that something crucial occurs: an encounter. A moment where people from all walks of faith are able to be in the presence of God. If you encounter Jesus, your life is changed forever.


Never-ending steady pressure that cannot be stopped or slowed. That is what relentless means. Never Stop Never Stopping! We will relentlessly pursue one more teenager to know Jesus, one more single mother, one more business owner, one more man down on his luck. We will give up our seat and be inconvenienced for the sake of the gospel. We exist so that one more person knows the truth of Jesus and is transformed in the community.


What God wants to do in the world is beyond our understanding. His kingdom is worth any sacrifice, any action, any change. God is Not Done! We will do Whatever it Takes to see the impact of the good news come true in our lives. We will serve the needy, and we will do what is necessary. We will be led by what God is doing and where he is going. We will follow God’s call Wherever it Takes Us.


We will always reproduce all of the good and transformation that God has done in us. We will pour into others through discipleship what God has poured into us. We will multiply our services, our small groups, our volunteers, our campuses, our ministries and our churches. The greatest impact we can have in the world is by multiplication. The greatest way to multiply is to disciple. The call for each of us to disciple means our church must also multiply.


The greatest goal of the church is to glorify God. To bring him honor and glory and worship and respect in everything that we do. When we glorify the name of Jesus, we are doing what we were created to do. The best we know how to do that is to elevate and celebrate the New Life that is continually found in Jesus. In every transformation, we find a supernatural intervention. Baptisms, salvations, overcoming addictions, depression, identity issues, and anger are worthy of celebration. All of it is New Life and all of it gives glory to God. We are motivated and driven by these transformative moments. We will never stop seeking them out and celebrating them for all to see.